Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Best Ways to Improve your Intelligence

Is Artificial Intelligence Replacing Your Intelligence?
Here I will be teaching you the best ways to improve your intelligence

1. Read a lot of books on a topic: While reading a book, you get to know about someone's life journey and research. When you read books, you will be full of people's ideas and experiences.

2. Discuss with Smart People: When you discuss with smart people, it opens new pathways to your brain in such a way you will get new ideas and perspectives towards things.

3. Write an note on a random topic: It's something I have learnt over the years. Just write a note on a random subject, there won't necessary be need to publish it but when you have this goal in mind, your research and study sticks better and you will be able to remember a lot of what you learn.

4. Use the pomodoro technique while studying - do 25 minutes of intense focused work followed by 5-10 minutes of play and relaxation and then repeat. This is what I do when I have a lot to learn. If you do this for 4-6 sections, you would cover more than some people do in 2 days. Trust me.

5. Play chess - this game does only one thing. It gets into your head and it loosens those brain cells. Just be ready for some discomfort when starting out.

6. Take time out alone to think -  Just take some time alone to think exclusively about something. You can hold a note to jot down your thoughts and you can think of anything - your life, quantum mechanics, Facebook, magic, love, money or whatever.

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